SITE UPDATES: 5/25/2024: Updating the site little by little... Added a news marquee! 5/26/2024: Added a footer! 5/27/2024: Made a TON of changes to the site today! I added a bottom row with 2 columns + a chat box! 5/27, 6:53am: Added a stat counter to the site! Right column is still very bare, though... 5/28/2024: Right column now has its own site button! Feel free to link back to this page! 5/28, 4:20pm: Made a new logo for the site! 5/28, 8:37pm: Added a best friends page! Currently a work in progress as of this moment. 5/30/2024: Revamped the besties page alongside a new font for the site! Now working on a shrine directory page! 5/31/2024: Besties page now has a couple of icons as well as a hidden page for my beloved ❤, Revamped shrine directory with links to come soon! 5/31, 11:56pm: FINALLY got the fonts to run properly! Also tweaking a few pages as well as styling the pages itself! 6/01/2024: Updated a couple of pages and finally finsihed up the besties page... for now! 6/05/2024: FINISHED the besties page, tweaked the homepage, & added an about page all in one go! Phew! 6/10/2024: Revamped and fixed up the site layout for the homepage! 6/11-12(?)/2024: Remade the about page! May work on shrines next... 6/12/2024: Made an entirely original site button!

Shrine Collection

Click on a link to go to that shrine!

My Little Pony


Videogame Arcades


Mahou Shoujou

Early Computer Animation

PSAs and Public Information Films

Or visit one of the sub-shrines?
